Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Administrative Professionals' Day

April 24 is Administrative Professionals' Day.

Some years' back, I caught an episode of the Max Ferguson Show and heard the most apropos song to celebrate the amazing feats of brilliance by administrative professionals on behalf of their inept, pointy-haired bosses. The acapella-style lament--sung from the point of view of the pointy-haired boss--had the refrain:
Whatever will we do, however will we fight,
When our secretaries demand their human rights?

I dearly wish I knew the song but haven't had any luck finding it. The piece was sung in the same vein as Stan Rogers' famous Northwest Passage.

Whether one is a pointy-haired boss or simply someone needing to interact with the same, the administrative professional who keeps everything moving along smoothly is a rarely-sung hero! To all of you out there, a very happy (and thankful) Administrative Professionals' Day!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Social media transcends time, space

Social media use appears today to be ubiquitous. How many of us habitually reach for our devices without second thought, anytime, anywhere? How about September 1932?

Social media and other digital technologies are already known to transcend time, generally assumed to be forward ... perhaps this image shows they're capable of transcending time backward as well?

Above: detail of photo from LIFE: The First Decade (1979). Caption reads [links added]:
Saloman, Dr. Erich/1932
From the balcony outside his room at the Lausanne Reparations Conference, Ramsay MacDonald with his daughter Ishbel [not pictured in this detail] and his private secretary Mr. Butler watch Premier Herriot trying to avoid journalists who have waylaid him in the lobby below. 
FWIW, way to rock those shades, MacDonald.